Please notice, 1 package item contains 2 packs which contain 16 cigarettes each.
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Discount 50% Off

Special Price!!
*Buy now and get up to 50% off for any items*

The discount will be calculated against your shopping cart total price (minimum is $50).
For every $20 at total price, you are eligible to have 1% discount.
This means, you could save $500 when you order $1000.
If you order more than $1000, please notify us, we will give you special offer!

For example:

Item Pack @item Price @item Total Price Discount Final Price You save $
1 2 $30 $30 - $30 -
2 2 $30 $60 3% $58.2 $1.8
10 2 $30 $300 15% $255 $45
20 2 $30 $600 30% $420 $180

So, if you buy 10 items of any kind of cigarettes, and have total price $300.
Then you are eligible to get 15% discount, and that's about $45 you can save.

Have to pay $255 for 10 items, means that $255 for 20 packs.
Means that each pack is only for $12.75
It's even cheaper than $15, which our header at top page says!

Buy Now and Enjoy the Discount.. ^^

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